American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Available Now: The 2023 ACCP Pharmacotherapy Mock Exam

The ACCP Pharmacotherapy Mock Exam is constructed to simulate the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) Pharmacotherapy specialty examination experience. Composed of 175 questions that reflect the domains and tasks outlined in the BPS Pharmacotherapy Content Outline, the Mock Exam covers a wide range of therapeutic areas you may see on the BPS Pharmacotherapy test.

After completing the Mock Exam, you will receive a personalized test performance analysis – an invaluable tool to help identify your strengths and potential weaknesses as a test taker. This analysis includes the amount of time spent on each question and the types of questions most commonly missed or skipped to help you refine and target continued study. An answer key containing explained answers and supporting references is also provided.

The ACCP Pharmacotherapy Mock Exam is available at the discounted price of $79.95 for ACCP members and $124.95 for nonmembers. Purchase the 2023 Mock Exam at the ACCP Bookstore today.