American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Support the Expanded Mission of the ACCP Foundation

ACCP Foundation

As 2023 comes to an end, the ACCP Foundation Board of Trustees wants to thank you for your financial support, volunteer hours, and participation in ACCP over the past year. With your continued backing, the Foundation will remain committed to achieving its mission of improving human health by supporting research, scholarship, and practice.

As you know, rigorous researchers, skilled practitioners, and effective educators don’t just happen. The ACCP Foundation is dedicated and designed to meet the growing needs of all clinical pharmacists. The Foundation’s intentional efforts to build strong research programs, develop robust practices, and nurture the next generation of clinical pharmacists expanded in 2023.

  • A new Medication Optimization practice advancement funding mechanism for members was implemented, and grantees are due to be recognized in late December.
  • A reincarnation of advanced traineeships for full members was piloted in 2023, and winners of these Foundation-funded opportunities will be announced soon.

The Foundation will also continue successful programs like Focused Investigator Training (FIT), Mentored Research Investigator Training (MeRIT), and Futures Grants Research Awards as well as relevant educational programs aimed at developing clinical research and the scholarly abilities of students, trainees, and early-career ACCP members.

Please donate today and support the advancement of clinical pharmacy through the ACCP Foundation.

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