American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Successful Conclusion of the 2023 ACCP International CMM Certificate Program

Completed by 45 international pharmacists representing 25 countries across the globe, ACCP’s 2023 Medication Optimization Through the Provision of Comprehensive Medication Management - International Certificate Program concluded on November 13, 2023. This unique program aims to further ACCP’s mission of improving human health by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy through preparing international pharmacists to advance clinical pharmacy practice in their region.

The 10-week virtual certificate program is designed and delivered by subject matter experts. Faculty for the 2023 program included:

  • Mary T. Roth McClurg, Pharm.D., MHS, FCCP
  • M. Shawn McFarland, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, BC-ADM
  • Christine A. Schumacher, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, BCCP, BC-ADM, CDCES
  • Todd D. Sorensen, Pharm.D., FCCP, FAPhA
  • Bradly Winter, Pharm.D., BCACP

The 2023 curriculum included five modules:

  • Module 1. Medication Optimization and Comprehensive Medication Management: A Primer
  • Module 2. The Patient Care Process for Delivering Comprehensive Medication Management
  • Module 3. Comprehensive Medication Management: Implementation
  • Module 4. Comprehensive Medication Management: Evaluation
  • Module 5. Practice-Based Considerations and Challenges: Putting It All Together

Each module included completion of pre-reading activities, a practice-based activity, an objective assessment, and participation in a live session. The program concluded with a summative assessment.

This year’s cohort was very engaged in the live sessions. Participants stated:

The content of this program was valuable and well organized. Participating in an international course with attendees from different nationalities across the globe, alongside the presence and presentations of knowledgeable and experienced instructors who were also kind-hearted, was a highly enjoyable experience for me. Additionally, one of the positive aspects of this course was the online sessions, which proved to be extremely helpful in summarizing the materials.

Small group discussions were the most memorable part of this program. I liked hearing about pharmacy practice in other countries and comparing it to my own.

Learn more about the program here. It is anticipated that this program will be offered again in 2024 with registration opening in late spring/early summer.