American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

DEIA Task Force to Become a Standing Committee

After approval by a special vote of the ACCP membership, the ACCP Bylaws will be amended to include a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) standing committee. This revision was proposed by the 2024 Task Force on DEIA to ensure that essential, ongoing DEIA activities are fulfilled. The committee will continue to provide input and feedback to the ACCP Board of Regents (BOR) on implementation of the DEIA plan and all issues relevant to DEIA, as well as review and score applicants for DEIA travel awards; vet, index, and maintain resources for the DEIA toolkit; recommend relevant DEIA communications to ACCP; and propose DEIA programming for ACCP members, among others.

The standing committee will replace the DEIA Task Force going forward. This change to the bylaws was approved by the 2024 Organizational Affairs Committee, endorsed by the BOR, and approved by 78% of member votes cast during the special vote.