American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Announcing New DEIA Travel Awards for Residents, Fellows, Graduate Students, and New Practitioners

As part of ACCP’s commitment to decreasing barriers to clinical pharmacy career paths and creating an inclusive culture for all, the College will offer up to five Annual Meeting travel awards for residents, fellows, graduate students, and new practitioners from underrepresented groups.

Travel awards cover the cost of registration to attend the ACCP Annual Meeting and provide a $1000 stipend toward the cost of transportation and lodging for the meeting.

Current members of ACCP who identify as an individual from an underrepresented dimension of identity and are enrolled in a residency or fellowship or a full-time graduate studies program or are within their first 6 years of practice after completion of training are eligible for the award. Underrepresented dimensions of identity include, but are not limited to, persons from racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual minority groups; persons with disabilities; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty, discrimination, or inequality.

Complete applications include an applicant’s curriculum vitae, one letter of recommendation, and one personal essay. Learn more and apply here.

Applications are open now through August 1, 2024.