American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Washington Report

Clinical Pharmacists on Capitol Hill: ACCP Members Take Action to Support PGY1 Residency Funding

Written by John McGlew
Director of Government Affairs

ACCP recently joined with colleagues from across the pharmacy profession, and other health professions, to support an effort led by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to protect CMS funding for postgraduate year one (PGY1) pharmacy residency programs.

Over 1300 ACCP members and supporters mobilized in support of Senate action to protect pass-through funding for PGY1 residency programs. Thank you for this show of support.


Since 2019, CMS has implemented changes to its auditing procedures for clinical pharmacy residency programs, but without updating its regulations or providing guidance on how residency programs can stay in compliance with these auditing procedures.

Medicare pass-through funding for PGY1 residency programs is critical to ensuring the sustainability of the clinical pharmacy profession. However, under these burdensome Medicare auditing procedures, many PGY1 residency programs have been stripped of funding.

Building Support on Capitol Hill

ACCP is working to support an advocacy effort led by its colleagues at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists to support an intervention by Congress to protect PGY1 residency funding and prohibit these unnecessary funding clawbacks that jeopardize PGY1 residency programs.

Most recently, in the Senate, Senator Klobuchar (D-MN) led an effort that called for the Labor/Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee to include language directing CMS to provide clear guidance before clawing back residency funding.

Over 1300 ACCP members and supporters came together to send more than 2600 letters urging members of the Senate to support Senator Klobuchar’s initiative. ACCP’s PRN PAC captains were instrumental in disseminating ACCP’s request through their PRN networks. The College thanks everyone who mobilized on this issue.

Current Status in the Senate

This appropriations request was part of an ongoing legislative effort to seek an immediate resolution to the PGY1 funding issue. The following U.S. senators responded to ACCP’s request and signed Senator Klobuchar’s letter to Appropriations Committee leaders:

Ben Ray Luján (D-NM)

Tina Smith (D-MN)

Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Peter Welch (D-VT)

The College thanks these senators for their bipartisan support. ACCP has worked closely with Senator Welch’s office over many years. ACCP-PAC recently supported his reelection effort.

Next Steps

As the Senate appropriations process unfolds, ACCP will continue to work with these offices to protect pass-through funds to hospitals for the operation of pharmacy residency programs.

ACCP will also explore opportunities to engage with other allied health professionals who are also affected by Medicare’s auditing process, including nurses; clinical pastoral counselors and chaplains; occupational, speech, and physical therapists; medical laboratory scientists; and other integral members of patient care teams and the health care system.

The Washington office will also pursue strategic opportunities to engage with leaders on the Senate Finance Committee, which holds primary jurisdiction over the Medicare program. Please keep the College informed of any local advocacy related to this issue, or other information related to PGY1 residency audits, that might be helpful in support of this effort.