American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Register Now for Updates in Therapeutics and ACCP Academy Programming

Time is running out to register for Updates in Therapeutics 2011. Save up to 15% by registering no later than March 24, 2011, the meeting’s Late Registration deadline. Take advantage of this opportunity, which includes a copy of the two-volume course workbook for either the “Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course” or the “Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course.” To register today, go to

The clock is also ticking for those who wish to take advantage of the discounted registration rates for ACCP Academy Programming. The Late Registration fee is only $285 for ACCP full and associate members who plan to attend an ACCP Academy Program (ACCP student, resident and fellow member late registration rates begin at $195). The ACCP Academy offers a flexible, curricular approach to enhancing ACCP member abilities in major areas of professional responsibility. The Academy provides four unique professional development programs leading to certificates of completion in Clinical Practice Advancement, Leadership and Management, Research and Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning. At the spring meeting in Columbus, each Academy track will concentrate its programming over a 2-day period to enable participants to minimize both travel expense and time away from their practice. Enroll in the Academy now and begin your coursework this spring! Registration includes all sessions within the ACCP Academy track of your choice, available continuing pharmacy education credit, and program handouts for the ACCP Academy track sessions you attend. There’s no better time to enroll in an Academy track—two of the Academy’s full-day prerequisite primer courses (the Research Primer and the Leadership Primer) will be offered in Columbus. Program application forms, curricular schedules, module descriptions, and learning objectives can be accessed at

For more information on the meeting and the courses, and to register, please visit