American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Academy Mentoring Opportunities

The ACCP Academy provides four unique professional development programs leading to certificates of completion in Clinical Practice Advancement, Leadership and Management, Research and Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning. Designed to provide professional development in your main areas of responsibility, the ACCP Academy’s certificate programs use a curricular-based approach to enhance your abilities.

Enrollees in the Academy attend interactive, live programs at ACCP meetings to earn credit toward a certificate of completion. In addition to live programming, enrollees participate in mentoring opportunities and self-assessment activities and develop electronic portfolios that demonstrate their application of concepts learned in Academy courses.

One-on-one mentoring is among the most effective strategies to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values of clinical pharmacy leaders, researcher-scholars, and teachers. Therefore, Academy enrollees are asked to identify a mentor (preferably from their home institution, if possible) with whom they will meet throughout the time participants are enrolled in the Academy program. Mentors are expected to assist each participant in achieving program outcomes, meet regularly with their protégés, and provide opportunities for the protégé to observe and (if feasible) participate in the mentor’s activity. To aid your mentoring experience, review the article “A Guide to Mentoring—and to Being Mentored” ( written by Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D., Chair of the ACCP Academy Leadership and Management Certificate Program.

Interested in serving as an Academy mentor? E-mail Zangi Miti at [email protected].