American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP PBRN Expands as It Enters the Next Phase of Development

The ACCP Research Institute recently welcomed two new staff members, Rachel Chennault, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the ACCP PBRN, and Nicholas Butler, Web developer. “The addition of Rachel and Nicholas to the Network greatly expands our capabilities,” said Dan Touchette, Pharm.D., M.A., Director of the ACCP PBRN.

Rachel will be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the Network, while Nic will lead the development and database management of new projects within the new ACCP PBRN Web-based platform, known as REDCap. [See story immediately below.] REDCap, in conjunction with PBRNConnect for data and record storage, together with the addition of these key personnel, will form a solid foundation of infrastructure support for the Network as we move forward.

“With the successful completion of our feasibility project, the MEDAP (Medication Error Detection, Amelioration, and Prevention) Study, we have set a track record for successful multisite research,” states Dr. Touchette. He continues:

Data for the MEDAP Study are undergoing analysis. We are ready to accept new proposal ideas from ACCP members and external stakeholders as we build the network and move into a growth phase. Please contact me with your questions and ideas as we move forward ([email protected]).