American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Calling All Researchers: Use the ACCP PBRN as Your Laboratory

The ACCP PBRN can produce research findings that are immediately relevant to the clinician and that, in theory, are more easily translated into practice. PBRNs can link relevant clinical questions with rigorous research methods in real-life settings and produce scientific information that is not only externally valid, but also, in essence, easily assimilated into everyday practice.

Do you have the next ACCP PBRN project idea? Could you use the 700 members of the ACCP PBRN to answer your research question in a more robust manner? Is your project compatible with PBRN research? Do you need some help with research infrastructure?

The ACCP PBRN is interested in establishing collaborative research efforts with both internal and external stakeholders. All investigators wishing to collaborate with the ACCP PBRN will be asked to complete an ACCP PBRN Project Concept Paper found at For more information, contact us at [email protected].