American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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New from ACCP Publications

Several new titles are now available in the ACCP Bookstore. Please visit the bookstore to learn more about new arrivals in Therapeutics, Research and Outcomes Assessment, and Teaching and Learning:

Antibiotics Simplified is a succinct guide designed to bridge knowledge gained in basic sciences courses with clinical practice in infectious diseases. This practical text reviews basic microbiology and how to approach the pharmacotherapy of a patient with a presumed infection. It also contains concise Drug Class Reviews with an explanation of the characteristics of various classes of antibacterial drugs and antifungal drugs.

Pharmacotherapy Casebook provides the case studies you need to learn how to identify and resolve the drug therapy problems you’re most likely to encounter in real-world practice. This new edition, packed with 157 patient cases, makes the ideal study companion to the eighth edition of DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. The case chapters in this book are organized into organ system sections that correspond with those of the DiPiro textbook. By reading the relevant chapters in Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the pathophysiology and pharmacology of each disease state included in this casebook.

Pharmacotherapy Flash Cards contains 238 Q&A cards to sharpen your therapeutic decision-making skills. These Q&A cards provide a complete review of pharmacotherapeutic concepts for the major disease states most often encountered in practice.

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data is the only reference on this subject written by pharmacists for pharmacists. Students find this guide a clear and useful introduction to the fundamentals of interpreting laboratory test results. Practitioners value its help in assessing patient responses to drug treatment. Since the publication of previous editions, much has changed—in the clinical laboratory and in the hospital pharmacy. Consequently, this fourth edition incorporates significant revisions and a wealth of important new information.

Promotion and Tenure Confidential is an astute and practical book, showing that promotion and tenure are not just about research, teaching, and service but also about human relations and political good sense. Drawing on research and extensive interviews with junior and senior faculty across many institutions, the author provides clear-sighted guidance on planning and managing an academic career, from graduate school to tenure and beyond.

Visit the ACCP Bookstore regularly to see new offerings and new editions of your favorite titles.