American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Call for Abstracts for the 2013 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium

Time Is Running Out—Submit Your Abstract by January 18!

All abstracts must be submitted at by Friday, January 18, 2013.

All investigators in the field of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, whether ACCP members or not, are invited to submit abstracts of papers to be considered for presentation at the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium (May 21–22, 2013).

Posters will be on display May 21–22 for asynchronous viewing and comment. In addition, two interactive sessions will be scheduled on May 21 and May 22, when authors will be available for real-time online question-and-answer sessions alongside their virtual posters. The technology required for presenters and participants is minimal—a broadband Internet connection, a current browser, and Skype (free software).

All papers accepted for poster presentation, except for the “Encore Presentation,” will have abstracts published online in Pharmacotherapy and be automatically entered in Best Poster Award competitions. Abstracts may be submitted in one of the following categories:

ORIGINAL RESEARCH: Abstracts must describe original research in education, therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, or pharmacogenomics. Abstracts that describe in vitro or animal research are welcome. Abstracts will be evaluated on originality, hypothesis/objectives, study design, results, and conclusions. All papers accepted will be assigned to a virtual poster format.

CLINICAL PHARMACY FORUM: Abstracts must describe the delivery, development, justification, or documentation of innovative clinical pharmacy services. Abstracts dealing with payments or cost analyses are encouraged. Abstracts may be descriptive only and need not contain an evaluative component. The abstract must not have been published in abstract form or presented elsewhere before the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium (May 21–22, 2013). Abstracts will be evaluated on originality of the service or program, adequacy of justification/documentation, adaptability to other settings, and significance to clinical pharmacy. All papers accepted will be assigned to a virtual poster format.

RESIDENT AND STUDENT RESEARCH-IN-PROGRESS: Submission and evaluation criteria are those of an “Original Research” presentation except that the research effort is ongoing. Descriptions of planned research efforts without data should not be submitted. Submission of partly completed data is acceptable. Abstracts should provide an assessment of likelihood of project completion by date of presentation. The presenting author must be a resident (“resident” is defined as being either a PGY1 or PGY2 resident in a recognized and accredited residency program) or student (“student” is defined as one who is currently earning his or her first professional degree, 2012 graduates permitted). All papers accepted will be assigned to a virtual poster format. Graduate students and fellows are invited to submit abstracts in the Original Research and/or Clinical Pharmacy Forum categories.

Submission Deadline

All abstracts accepted for presentation (with the exception of “Encore Presentations”) in the Original Research and Clinical Pharmacy Forum categories will automatically be entered in the Best Poster Award competition. All abstracts submitted in the Resident and Student Research-in-Progress categories will be entered in the Best Resident and Student Research-in-Progress Poster competition. The finalists for both categories will be notified by May 1, 2013, and will be judged during the Virtual Poster Symposium by a panel of judges. The winners and runners-up of both categories will also be invited to give a platform presentation at ACCP’s Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 13–16, 2013.

The deadline to submit abstracts in the Original Research, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Resident and Fellow Research-in-Progress categories is Friday, January 18, 2013, 11:59 p.m. (PST). Authors will be notified by e-mail of acceptance of their papers by Monday, April 1, 2013. See complete submission instructions and guidelines at