American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Strategic Plan Update

Request for Member Comment and Input on ACCP Direction

The College’s current strategic plan (see is now entering its third year. The ACCP Board of Regents tracks the College’s progress in implementing the plan across the three main priority areas: developing, advancing, and positioning clinical pharmacists. Thus far, the key objectives of the plan are being implemented on schedule. Because the College has now initiated a continuous strategic planning process, the board welcomes input on the plan itself as well as on any new or “emerging” issues felt by members to be of importance to future clinical pharmacy practice, research, or education. Therefore, all ACCP members are invited to log-in to the ACCP electronic feedback site ( anytime, 24/7. After logging-in to the site, members can provide comment on (1) current components of the ACCP strategic plan, (2) new issues that ACCP leadership should consider now, and (3) emerging topics that may merit the College leadership’s thought and analysis in the future. In particular, the Board of Regents welcomes comments on ACCP’s recently announced Medicare benefit initiative (see the lead story and the ACCP President’s Column earlier in this issue of the ACCP Report).

The Board of Regents reviews this input at its quarterly meetings and identifies issues that require further staff analysis, board discussion, and/or selection as forthcoming committee or task force initiatives. The board is scheduled to spend time during its upcoming February meeting dedicated to reviews of the external environment and identification of new or emerging issues that may be critical to the College’s future. This process will continue through the Board’s summer meeting. In addition to ACCP’s existing methods of gaining member input (e.g., the annual member survey requesting priority areas for future consideration, annual Town Hall Meetings, other calls for member comment on specific issues), it is hoped members will provide electronic input and feedback regarding the College’s direction whenever they feel so inclined. If you’ve not already done so, please read the ACCP Strategic Plan and visit the College’s feedback site to submit comments on the College’s direction.