American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2013 F.I.T. Program Applications Now Open

Application Deadline March 31!


The Research Institute is proud to announce the 2013 Focused Investigator Training (F.I.T.) Program faculty mentor team, which includes Gary Yee, Mary Gerkovich, Gene Morse, Reginald Frye, Susan Fagan, Gregory Stoddard, Grace Kuo, Mary Ensom, Lynda Welage, Vicki Ellingrod, and John Cleary. A past F.I.T. attendee, Dr. John Devlin, says of the F.I.T. Program faculty mentor team, “The expert faculty for the F.I.T. Program provided me with the direction and mentorship (even after the program had ended) to help me successfully compete for NIH funding.”

The F.I.T. Program is an intensive 5-day, hands-on program for up to 18 experienced pharmacist-investigators who have not yet been awarded significant peer-reviewed extramural funding as a principal investigator. Through this mentored program, the pharmacist-investigator will take the necessary steps toward preparing a K, R01, or similar investigator-initiated application for submission to the NIH or other major funding source.

The 2013 F.I.T. Program will take place July 27–31, 2013, at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy in Athens, Georgia. The 2013 F.I.T. application and brochure may be downloaded from Applications will close on March 31, 2013.

PRN F.I.T. Scholarships Available

The following PRNs have announced that they will be offering full or partial support for an applicant accepted to the 2013 F.I.T. Program who is a member of their respective PRN:

  • Education and Training PRN: 1 partial tuition scholarship for $1875
  • Hematology/Oncology PRN: 1 full tuition scholarship for $3750

If you are a member of one or both of the above PRNs, ACCP strongly encourages you to submit an application by the March 31 deadline to take advantage of these funding opportunities!