American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Preparing for a New Leadership Position in Your Institution or Organization? Enroll Now in the ACCP Academy Leadership and Management Certificate Program

The ACCP Academy’s Leadership and Management Certificate Program helps prepare and motivate clinical pharmacists to meet the demands of assuming a leadership position. Established by ACCP in 2007, the program is designed to enable participants to better lead their personal lives and to guide and inspire their associates in the workplace. This enhanced ability will enable pharmacy leaders to better create the changes necessary to advance pharmacy’s mission within the health care system. A certificate of completion is awarded to participants who complete 28 contact hours, consisting of 18 hours of required modules and 10 hours of electives. The program’s required modules are as follows:

  • Prerequisite: Leadership Primer (6 hours)
  • Module 1: Personal Leadership Development (4 hours)
  • Module 2: Interpersonal Leadership Development (4 hours)
  • Module 3: The Attributes of a Leader (4 hours)

Each elective module, consisting of 2 contact hours of instruction, is designed to meet the widely varied needs of program participants, focusing on specific areas of leadership and management not covered in-depth by the required modules.

Begin to position yourself to as a leader in clinical pharmacy by enrolling in ACCP Academy’s Leadership and Management Certificate Program. The program’s prerequisite, Leadership Primer, will be offered Friday, April 19, in conjunction with ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics® 2013, in Reno, Nevada.

Visit the ACCP Academy today at to enroll and learn more about the Leadership and Management Certificate Program. To view the complete schedule and register for Leadership and Management programming this spring, visit