American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Register Now for ACCP Updates in Therapeutics®


Time is running out to register for Updates in Therapeutics® 2013. Save up to 15% by registering no later than April 5, 2013, the meeting’s late registration deadline. Take advantage of this opportunity, each course of which includes a copy of the two-volume course workbook, for either the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course or the Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course. To register today, go to

The late registration fee is only $625 for ACCP full and associate members who plan to attend Updates in Therapeutics® 2013 (ACCP student, resident, and fellow member late registration rates begin at $305). Using ACCP’s proven case-based instructional method, the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course and the Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course each provide a fast-paced, yet comprehensive review of the full scope of the relevant specialty to help you reaffirm your areas of strength and identify potential weaknesses. Unlike other abbreviated courses, ACCP’s preparatory review and recertification courses offer extras such as extensive take-home instructional materials for continuing independent study and supplemental tools to help you stay on track with your studying. Developed by nationally recognized content experts, ACCP’s courses provide more than just the faculty slide decks and a list of references—they also include a two-volume, 900+ page course workbook with chapters dedicated to each topic area in the BPS content outline; 350+ case-based questions with explained answers; and references to support the content in each chapter (and for further reading, if the participant wishes).

To obtain more information on the meeting and the courses and to register, please visit