American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Prepares to Update Organizational Strategic Plan: Member Input Requested

As part of the College’s ongoing strategic planning process, the Board of Regents will publish an update in the ACCP Strategic Plan this fall, including new objectives to be addressed in 2014–2016. Toward that end, the ACCP leadership continues to seek member input into current and future directions of the College. “The 2010 Strategic Plan, now entering its third year, has been the key driver for virtually all of the College’s major initiatives,” said ACCP President Curtis Haas. He continued:

However, at this stage in the plan’s evolution, the organization has addressed the vast majority of the 2010 strategic plan objectives. Although our focus will remain on the development, advancement, and positioning of clinical pharmacists, new strategic directions and objectives are emerging from our ongoing strategic planning process. We will likely identify some additional goals and objectives over the next few months, refine them, and then incorporate them into the updated plan, which will be released this fall.

To assist the ACCP leadership in determining some of the important issues the College should address now and in the future, members are invited to participate in ACCP’s annual survey at Survey responses must be completed by Monday, May 13. Several issues identified through the survey will be pursued immediately to develop the College’s 2014 committee and task force charges. Others will be carried forward into the planning process, possibly serving as future Board of Regents agenda items and/or as potential committee or task force charges in future years. Dr. Haas added, “Whether a member participates in the annual survey or not, we invite the entire membership to visit our feedback webpage at any time to submit comments and suggestions of a strategic nature.” The feedback site can be accessed at After landing on the feedback page, members can provide input on the strategic planning process by selecting “Strategic Issues” from the drop-down menu and then typing in their comments.