American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

BPS Issues Open Call for Specialty Council Nominations


The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) has issued a Call for Nominations for Board-Certified Pharmacists to serve on each of its six Specialty Councils. Nominations are now being sought for two positions on each of the six councils—Ambulatory Care Pharmacy, Nuclear Pharmacy, Nutrition Support Pharmacy, Oncology Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, and Psychiatric Pharmacy. The term of appointment for BPS Specialty Council members for this call is from January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2016. BPS must receive nomination materials by Monday, May 6, 2013 (deadline extended). The councils will review nominations during their business meetings from May through July, and the BPS Board of Directors will confirm appointments in October 2013.

Specialty Councils exist for the following reasons:

  • To recommend to BPS standards and other requirements for certification and recertification of pharmacists in the specialty
  • To develop and administer examinations as required for certification and recertification of pharmacists in the specialty
  • To evaluate the qualifications of individual pharmacists and to submit to BPS the names of the pharmacists recommended for certification or recertification in the specialty

BPS has outlined ideal expertise, practice setting, and experience of prospective Board-Certified Pharmacist nominees according to the needs of each Specialty Council for this appointment cycle. Please note that the Specialty Councils strive to maintain a mix of practice expertise and practice setting. As such, the needs of each Specialty Council are different and will vary from one appointment cycle to another. More information, including a description of desired characteristics and a link to nomination materials, can be found at