American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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2013 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy and 2013 Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Instructional Materials Now Available for Pre-Order

Get a jump start on preparing for either the ambulatory care pharmacy or the pharmacotherapy specialty certification examinations by pre-ordering the instructional materials for the 2013 edition of either Updates in Therapeutics®: The Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course or Updates in Therapeutics®: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course. These same courses will be presented live at Updates in Therapeutics® 2013 in Reno, Nevada. Print workbooks and online workbooks will be shipped and/or available to pre-purchasers by May 1, 2013 (all other components of the courses will be shipped and/or made available on June 1, 2013).

Both preparatory courses are ideal for pharmacy professionals preparing for either the ambulatory care pharmacy or the pharmacotherapy specialty certification examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties and for those seeking a self-paced review and refresher of disease states and therapeutics. Developed by board-certified pharmacotherapy specialists and board-certified ambulatory care pharmacists, the course content provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the relevant specialty certification examination. Both courses use a case-based approach, with a strong emphasis on the thought processes needed to solve patient care problems in each therapeutic area.

Course materials are presented in a variety of formats to suit different learning styles. Continuing pharmacy education credit is available through the successful completion of online posttests. Instructional materials are available in the following formats:

  • Course workbook. Presenter handouts are provided in a two-volume perfect-bound book. These materials include case studies, study questions with answer explanations, and literature citations for further reference.
  • Online workbook. Information contained in the printed course workbook is also available in this online version. The online book provides access to course workbook contents as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
  • CD-ROM. The CD-ROM includes the presenters’ lectures, which are audio-synchronized to the slide presentations from the live program. The CD-ROM is both PC and Macintosh compatible and contains MP3 files of the presenters’ lectures. (The CD-ROM is not CD-audio compatible.)
  • CD-ROM and Course Workbook with CPE. This package includes the full course workbook and a CD-ROM, plus access to the Web-based posttests for continuing pharmacy education credit.
  • Web-Based Online Course with CPE. This combination provides participants with the online workbook and includes the presenters’ lectures, which are audio-synchronized to the slide presentations from the live program. The online course also provides the MP3 files of the presenters’ lectures. In addition, the online course provides participants access to the Web-based posttests for continuing pharmacy education credit.
  • CD-ROM and Online Workbook with CPE. This package includes the CD-ROM and full-course online workbook, plus access to the Web-based posttests for continuing pharmacy education credit.

Instructional components also are priced for individual sale. Orders for the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Course instructional materials may be placed online at Orders may also be placed by telephone at (913) 492-3311 or by fax at (913) 492-0088. Print workbooks and online workbooks will be shipped and/or available to pre-purchasers by May 1, 2013. All other components of these products will be made available and/or shipped on June 1, 2013.