American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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New Online Tool Assists in Planning Your Board Specialty Recertification

The proliferation of options for earning specialty recertification credits can make the process overwhelming. In response, ACCP has developed a free, easy-to-use online tool to help you plan your recertification by continuing education.

The new ACCP Recertification Dashboard assists the BCPS, BCACP, or BCOP by compiling earned recertification credits, tracking new credits as they are earned, and scheduling new opportunities for credits from upcoming ACCP professional development programs. Types of credit and their sources are identified by a color-coded bar graph for instant identification of recertification credit status.

The ACCP Recertification Dashboard automatically displays any credits earned through ACCP professional development programs and then offers future credit opportunities that will be available during the appropriate period. As new credits are earned, the Planner adds these hours to the existing credit total. There is also a space for the specialist to add credits from non-ACCP offerings.

The Dashboard has built-in logic that recognizes when planned credits exceed the limits imposed by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) recertification guidelines. For example, when more than 60 BCPS recertification credits are planned within the first 4 years of the certification period, an alert appears to remind the user of this limit. The planner also recognizes limits on future credit opportunities, such as being unable to earn credits from the Updates in Therapeutics® program in 2 consecutive years.

Using the Online Recertification Planner is easy and intuitive. Recertificants can simply click on the link that appears on their My Account page ( and input data on their current recertification period. Click to choose from upcoming recertification credit opportunities. If you wish, ACCP will notify you when the selected products are available for purchase.

The Online Recertification Planner was developed by ACCP to assist in and support specialty recertification. Once users fulfill their credit requirements and enter their final year of certification, they must contact BPS to complete the actual process of recertifying by continuing education.