American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Virtual Poster Symposium Best Poster Competitions Won by Love and Nguyen

The winner of the Best Poster Award from the 2013 Virtual Poster Symposium was selected on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, during the Tuesday session of the 2013 Virtual Poster Symposium. The winner of the Best Student and Resident Poster Award was selected on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. Poster finalists for both categories were required to give a 6- to 8-minute Skype presentation as well as a 3- to 5-minute question-and-answer session with the judges. In all, 117 abstracts were presented during the Virtual Poster Symposium. Of these, 52 were reports of original research, 30 described innovative clinical pharmacy services, and 35 were resident and student submissions. In addition, many papers were encore presentations of work that had been presented in abstract form at other scientific meetings.

Bryan L. Love

Bryan L. Love from South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Columbia, South Carolina, won the Best Poster Award for “Risk of Food Allergy Following Antibiotic Exposure in Young Children.” Dr. Love’s coauthors on the poster were Joshua R. Mann, James W. Hardin, and David J. Amrol from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. Lama H. Nazer from King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan, was the runner-up in this category. Dr. Nazer’s coauthors were Mohammad Alshaer, Taghreed Alnajjar, and Feras Hawari, also from King Hussein Cancer Center. The other finalists in this category were Iyad Ghonimat from King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan; Scott Charland from Mountain Solutions, Winter Park, Colorado; and Jancy Killian from Charles George Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Asheville, North Carolina.

Thien Huong Nguyen

Thien Huong Nguyen, from the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, Reno, Nevada, won the Best Student and Resident Poster Award for “Implementation of Pharmacist-Led Disease State Management Clinics Utilizing the Clinical Video Telehealth System (CVT) to Expand Health Care Access to Veterans at an Outreach Clinic.” Dr. Nguyen had no coauthors. Jamie Ky from Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, California, was the runner-up in this category for “Risk and Benefits of Anticoagulation in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Kidney Disease.” Dr. Ky’s coauthors were Jennifer Polzin, Derenik Gharibian, Helen Chun, Jay Rho, and Albert Yuh-Jer Shen, also from Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, California. The other finalists in this category were Hasmig Ekmekdjian from Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, California; Michaela Johnson-Clague from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; and May Li from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Finalists from both the Best Poster and Best Student and Resident Research-in-Progress Poster competitions will present their research during the scientific platform presentations at the 2013 Annual Meeting. The 2013 Annual Meeting will be held October 16–19, 2013, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each winner will receive a plaque at the 2013 ACCP Annual Meeting and $250 to help offset travel expenses associated with attending the 2013 Annual Meeting. Serving as finalist judges for the two competitions were Debra Barnette, Gretchen Brophy, Peggy Carver, Jill Kolesar, Margaret Noyes Essex, and Ralph Raasch. Abstracts for all the 2013 Virtual Poster Symposium presenters are available in the May issue of Pharmacotherapy.

The next abstract award competition will be held at ACCP’s 2013 Annual Meeting. The deadline to submit abstracts for the Annual Meeting is June 16, 2013, for the Original Research, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Resident and Fellow Research-in-Progress categories. The deadline to submit abstracts for the Student Submissions and Late Breaker categories is July 2, 2013. ACCP is now accepting abstracts at