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ACCP Report

Special Populations Is the Next PSAP Release

Special Populations

The clinical pharmacist often encounters patients with population-specific diseases or disorders. The next book in the Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP) presents evidence-based updates on the management of disorders commonly seen in men, pregnant women, and older adult patients.

Special Populations, to be released July 15, has three learning modules with an available 20.5 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) has approved PSAP for use in Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS) recertification.

The first module examines the newer pharmacotherapies used to treat urinary incontinence in the older adult, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. The focus shifts in the second module to an update on the management of infertility in women, pregnancy-related disease, and chronic diseases in pregnancy. The third module discusses the management of patients with allergic rhinitis, age-related eye disorders, and HIV infection, as well as reimbursement and new models of pharmacy practice.

To enhance learning, Special Populations includes multimedia elements such as an MP3 recording of a patient interview and a video of patient education on the appropriate use of nasal sprays. PSAP chapters are now fully referenced, with online links to literature compilers such as PubMed. In addition, hypertext links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. New graphic features focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice.

Special Populations is designed to assist pharmacists who want to:

  • Design a patient-specific treatment plan to achieve optimal outcomes in an elderly patient with urinary incontinence.
  • Develop appropriate treatment plans for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Assess the current screening and prevention strategies for prostate cancer determined by varying panels of experts.
  • Develop a patient-specific drug therapy plan for a patient with prostate cancer, based on stage, grade of disease, and previous therapies.
  • Design a pharmacotherapy plan to address infertility in a woman with ovarian failure.
  • Design appropriate nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment plans for a woman with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, or preeclampsia.
  • Design a protocol to prevent the transmission of HIV from a pregnant woman to her unborn child.
  • Design a protocol for the management of seizure disorders, asthma, or depression during pregnancy.
  • Design a patient therapeutic plan for allergic rhinitis in children, in the elderly, and during pregnancy.
  • Design an evidence-based treatment and monitoring plan for a patient with age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy.
  • Devise evidence-based pharmacotherapy for the patient with HIV infection and cardiovascular disease, newly identified diabetes mellitus, or osteoporosis.
  • Demonstrate how pharmacists are able to integrate clinical services into accountable care organizations.
  • Assess reimbursement models applying meaningful use incentives, calculations of performance measures, and pay for performance.

The content of Special Populations was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair J. Mark Ruscin, Pharm.D., BCPS. Editors for the 2013–2015 PSAP series are John E. Murphy, Pharm.D., FCCP, FASHP; and Mary Wun-Len Lee, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS.

PSAP 2013–2015 books are available singly or as a six-book series and in four format packages. Other books in the series are Cardiology/Endocrinology, Critical and Urgent Care, Chronic Illnesses, Infectious Diseases, and CNS/Pharmacy Practice. For specific release dates, available CPE credits, and program numbers for each book, or to place your online order, visit the ACCP Online Bookstore. Books are priced as follows; shipping and handling charges apply only to print books.

PSAP 2013–2015

SINGLE BOOKS   Member Price Nonmember Price
Standard Release (Online Book) Printable PDFs $65 $90
E-Media Package Online book PLUS:
Full text and SAQs for e-reader, phones, tablets
PSAP Audio Companion
$90 $130
Print Package Online book PLUS:
Print book
$90 $155
All-Format Package All the above products $105 $195
SIX-BOOK SERIES   Member Price Nonmember Price
Standard Release (Online Book)   $285 $385
E-Media Package   $385 $555
Print Package   $385 $585
All-Format Package   $445 $785