American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

New Edition of Pharmacy Business Planning Book Available with Useful Online Resources

How to Develop a Business Plan for Pharmacy Services

The latest edition of ACCP’s How to Develop a Business Plan for Pharmacy Services is now available with new online resources and more sample business plans to assist pharmacy clinicians, managers, and leaders in planning for new or enhanced pharmacy services. Authors Glen Schumock and JoAnn Stubbings impart their considerable expertise on the topic in this easy-to-read but informative and practical book.

The purchase of this second edition also provides the reader with access to useful online material, including:

  • An electronic version of the chapter workbook questions
  • A business plan template the reader can use for writing his or her own business plan
  • An Excel program for developing financial statements for the proposed business
  • Two business practice models developed by ACCP members

These online enhancements, together with a new set of exercises within the book that allow the reader to work through the process of creating a business plan step-by-step, make this new edition even more useful to demonstrate the business case for a proposed pharmacy service.

If you are involved in pharmacy services in a hospital, community practice, managed care setting, ambulatory clinic, or other setting, you will find this book a vital resource to guide you in the process of developing a business plan for any new pharmacy services. If you already provide services, this book is filled with helpful information to guide you in enhancing those services. The book is also useful in the classroom and has been used by colleges/schools of pharmacy across the United States.

New online resources will be posted periodically, including new sample business plans. Order your copy today and access the online material often.

Visit the ACCP Bookstore at to receive your copy of the 2013 second edition of How to Develop a Business Plan for Pharmacy Services.