American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Call for Publishing Proposals

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Someone should write a book on that topic,” you just might have the next idea for an ACCP publication. The American College of Clinical Pharmacy always welcomes the submission of publication proposals that are consistent with its mission to provide leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research. Whether you have a rough draft of a chapter or a brainstorming thought or two, we’d love to hear from you.

Initially, the publishing process may seem intimidating and complicated, but at ACCP, every step is carefully thought out and supervised, so you’ll never have to sacrifice your vocation for a publication. Dave Shaw, publications project manager, is dedicated to making the development and production of high-quality books as straightforward as possible; medical editor Kimma Sheldon brings a wealth of knowledge and care to every publication; and graphic designer Mary Ann Kuchta creates beautiful covers and layouts. You’ll have the support you need from your first draft until the publication date and beyond.

If you’d like to submit a proposal, please visit our Web site at If you’d like guidance on your proposal, or would just like to discuss an idea for a book, please e-mail Dave Shaw at [email protected] The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is proud of its commitment to publishing high-quality books for the scientific community. We’d like you to join us in this mission.