American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Board of Regents Approves HIV PRN

ACCP welcomes its newest Practice and Research Network (PRN), the HIV PRN, which received approval by the ACCP Board of Regents on April 10, 2014. The new PRN will give members an opportunity to collaborate on and discuss the management of HIV patients through transitions of care in both inpatient and ambulatory care settings. The PRN will help clinical pharmacists optimize care for HIV-infected patients by providing a forum in which to share evidence-based recommendations and professional experiences, according to founding chair Melissa Badowski, Pharm.D., an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

“I am excited that ACCP has provided clinical pharmacists with an interest in HIV the opportunity to create the first HIV Practice and Research Network for pharmacists,” Badowski said. She continued:

Members of this PRN will have the opportunity to discuss complex issues surrounding the HIV patient, share evidence-based recommendations and professional experiences to assist in treatment and management decisions, and develop a forum to promote research and education in HIV. I would like to invite all clinical pharmacists that come in contact with one or many HIV-infected patients to join the HIV PRN.

The new PRN will host a planning meeting and networking forum at the upcoming 2014 ACCP Annual Meeting. The planning meeting will be held during the evening PRN business and networking forums. The specific date and time of the meeting will be announced later this summer. The HIV PRN is actively recruiting members. To join, visit

Addition of the HIV PRN brings the number of PRNs to 23. Currently, 31% of ACCP members belong to a PRN, and an additional 30% belong to more than one.