American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP-PAC Needs Your Support This Election Season


With the 2016 election season now officially under way, ACCP-PAC has almost $60,000 cash on hand to support elected officials and candidates who are committed to a care delivery system in which clinical pharmacists, working within integrated medical practice, are responsible for providing a significant portion of the medication management work and for helping to achieve clinical goal attainment for patients’ medication use.

As we emerge from the bruising primary season and look toward the national conventions, congressional leaders from both political parties are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of the divisive and controversial presidential nominees on the “down-ballot” races for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Both legislative chambers are now considered up for grabs, and leaders from each major political party are scrambling to raise funds to protect vulnerable incumbents or sweep challengers to victory.

Quite simply, PAC dollars have never been more sought after, and ACCP-PAC must make sure to help support its friends on Capitol Hill.

Why You Should Support ACCP-PAC

ACCP’s advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C., related to its Medicare Initiative are perfectly aligned with the College’s ongoing and ever-expanding clinical practice advancement initiatives essential for integrating clinical pharmacy services into contemporary team-based health care delivery. As an organization, ACCP is entirely focused on providing clinical pharmacists with actionable tools, knowledge, and skills to make meaningful transformation through practice management and leadership development.

However, the political reality is that a legislative initiative cannot move forward purely on the strength of its own merits—grassroots advocacy and financial contributions are key to demonstrating support for our initiative from elected officials’ own districts and states.

A well-funded PAC will help provide the necessary resources to support our friends on Capitol Hill. Contributions from ACCP-PAC to members of Congress will raise our profile on Capitol Hill, improve our standing among key lawmakers, and provide unique opportunities to discuss our initiative with potential congressional champions. ACCP-PAC will also help ensure that elected officials who support our initiative remain in office to advance the goals of the proposal in the future.

Only ACCP members are eligible to contribute to the PAC and allow us to make these vital political contributions. With its more than 18,000 ACCP members, ACCP is in a position to become one of the most prominent pharmacy PACs in Washington. To do this, we need the widespread support of our membership. Click here to contribute to ACCP-PAC today!