American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Launches Mobile App for Ambulatory Care Review

ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care

Are you preparing for the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy specialty certification examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties? Now there’s an app for that!

The ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care mobile app is now on sale at the Apple App Store and Google Play. This mobile app combines the flash card experience with the on-the-go convenience of your iOS and Android devices for an anywhere, anytime review.

This new study tool features almost 300 patient-centered, disease-specific vignettes and clinical scenarios covering all domains in the ambulatory care examination content outline. Each item includes an explained answer with a rationale and supporting references for further study.

The mobile app enhances self-testing and evaluation in several ways. Items can be presented by examination domain or by system and patient care problems, or they can randomly be shuffled for a more challenging review. Scoring statistics provide instant feedback to direct a more focused review of selected areas.

A “favorites” feature allows the user to highlight items of special interest or in need of additional review. A “notes” feature assists in exam preparation by allowing the user to jot down reminders, mnemonic devices, or additional information. Another key element is a handy table of reference values for common laboratory tests. Explained answers for each item assist in learning and include one to five supporting references, each with a hyperlink to PubMed or other compiler.

The ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care mobile app joins the previously released mobile app ACCP Flip Cards: Critical Care and the mobile and print versions of ACCP Flip Cards: Pharmacotherapy. The print version of ACCP Flip Cards: Pharmacotherapy can be ordered from the ACCP Online Bookstore. The ACCP Flip Cards mobile apps may be purchased from the Apple App Store or Google Play.