American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

BPS Application Deadline is August 1


Members are reminded that August 1 is the deadline for submitting applications to take the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties exams in Nuclear Pharmacy, Nutrition Support Pharmacy, Oncology Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, and Psychiatric Pharmacy. This year’s exams will be administered on Saturday, October 3, at several sites in the United States and worldwide.

The new BPS Web site at provides an easy online application and payment process for first-time exam candidates.

The number of pharmacists certified by BPS continues to grow—with nearly 8000 at last count. Many employers pay for the exams or provide bonus pay for BPS-certified specialists, and many of these clinical pharmacists report that their certification is counted in promotion and clinical privileging decisions affecting their careers. Specialty certification is a great way for clinicians to distinguish themselves in practice. Don’t put it off any longer!