American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Academy Webinar Registration Now Open

Join ACCP on July 29, 2009, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EDT), for the first Academy Webinar titled, “A Nexus of Management and Leadership – Leading Successful Projects.” Part of the ACCP Academy, this 2-hour program is available for elective credit in the Leadership and Management Certificate Program, Research and Scholarship Certificate Program, and Teaching and Learning Certificate Program. The program is also available for 2.0 contact hours of live continuing pharmacy education credit.

“A Nexus of Management and Leadership – Leading Successful Projects” will be led by Todd Sorensen, Pharm.D., from the University of Minnesota. The Webinar will examine the basic elements of successful project management, steps for creating an effective project action plan, and the skills needed to fully implement such a plan.

This Webinar is free for ACCP/ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy full-meeting registrants who are currently enrolled in the ACCP Academy. Non-Congress registrants may also participate in this Webinar. Registration for ACCP members is $89.95, and registration for ACCP nonmembers is $119.95. However, participation in the Webinar is limited to 250 registrants. Registration closes July 28, 2009, at noon (Eastern Time).

Register today for this Webinar at