American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Support the Frontiers Fund: Invest in the Future of Clinical Pharmacy

The Frontiers Fund is the name of the ACCP Research Institute’s development campaign. Created in 2003, the fund has successfully raised and awarded more than $1 million in grants and program funding. The Frontiers Fund is the mechanism by which the Research Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is able to meet its strategic goals.

The 2009 Frontiers Fund campaign will help support the start-up of the ACCP Practice-Based Research Network (ACCP PBRN). To date, 375 individuals have registered with the ACCP PBRN. The initial project is expected to launch later this year.

The mission of the ACCP PBRN is to facilitate collaborative research that promotes the safe, efficacious, and cost-effective use and delivery of medications and clinical pharmacy services. John Murphy, Pharm.D., FCCP, and ACCP president, stated:

The ACCP Research Institute’s decision to support the development of a PBRN represents an exciting new direction that will serve as a catalyst for the development of new knowledge about how clinical pharmacists enhance patient care outcomes … and advance the stature of our discipline. I would like to urge all ACCP members to pledge support to the Frontiers Fund.

To donate to the Frontiers Fund, go to Thank you for your support!