American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Apply Online Now for a 2009 Annual Meeting Student Travel Award

Have you thought about attending an ACCP meeting but your available financial resources are limited to cover your travel and registration costs? ACCP and its members want to help! The Student Travel Award enables students to attend ACCP national meetings by awarding travel stipends and/or complimentary meeting registrations. Apply online now for an award to attend the ACCP Annual Meeting in Anaheim, October 18–21, 2009.

How to Apply

Student members of ACCP who are full-time pharmacy students pursuing their first professional pharmacy degree are invited to apply for the awards. Applicants will need to submit a completed application, a CV or resume, two letters of reference, and a one-page essay. All application materials should be submitted online at

What Students Can Expect at the Meeting

In addition to experiencing the sights and sounds of Anaheim, student attendees of the 2009 ACCP Annual Meeting can look forward to a special premeeting symposium titled “Charting Your Course for Post-Graduate Training: Clinical Pearls from Current Pharmacy Residents.” An ACCP national meeting is the ultimate clinical pharmacy networking forum. Meet with fellow student pharmacists at the Newcomers Reception. Interact with leaders in a variety of clinical pharmacy specialties at the Focus Sessions and Networking Forums of the ACCP Practice and Research Networks (PRNs).

For more information on ACCP’s Student Travel Awards, please contact Jon Poynter at [email protected] or (913) 492-3311, ext. 21.