American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Serves as Founding Board Member of GTMRx Institute

GTMRx Institute

The Get the Medications Right(GTMRx) Institute, launched last month, is dedicated to identifying methods that ensure the effective and appropriate use of medications. To further advance the promotion and implementation of comprehensive medication management (CMM), ACCP joins a group of founding board members that includes distinguished primary care physicians and health care leaders; J&J Health Care Services; Medecision, a subsidiary of Health Care Service Corporation; and Quest Diagnostics.

As stated by C. Edwin Webb, Pharm.D., MPH, FCCP, ACCP’s representative on the GTMRx Board of Directors,

This interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder group of leaders in health care provides ACCP with expanded opportunities to advance CMM as an effective means of achieving medication optimization. Bringing together clinicians, payers, experts in technology/precision medicine, and innovators in health care who are focused collectively on “getting the medications right” is a logical and promising approach to addressing the problems and costs associated with the irrational and often suboptimal use of medications.

Read more here.