American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Sign Up for and Attend the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium – It’s Free!

Mark your calendar for the ninth annual ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium, scheduled for May 28–29, 2019. Two interactive sessions are scheduled for 7:00–9:00 p.m. (EDT) on May 28 and 29, when authors will be available for real-time online question-and-answer sessions alongside their virtual posters. Posters will be on display May 27–31 for asynchronous viewing and comment. An up-to-date web browser is the only technology required to participate in the interactive session. Attendance is free. All invited to attend – ACCP members, colleagues, friends, and family. To set up an account, review posters, create a personal schedule, and attend the Virtual Poster Symposium, visit