American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP-PAC Contributions Support our Goal of Medication Optimization for America’s Seniors

ACCP’s Political Action Committee (PAC) was formed to help advance our goal of achieving medication optimization for the Medicare population. The 116th Congress is moving ahead with important healthcare initiatives related to drug pricing and the opioid crisis. Looking ahead, it is clear that the upcoming election cycle promises to be the most contentious, and hard-fought, in history.

ACCP-PAC is committed to working to build and develop relationships with healthcare leaders from both parties who are willing to work to enact bi-partisan healthcare legislation focused on team-based, patient-centered care that measures and rewards quality and outcomes.

A well-funded Political Action Committee (PAC) provides ACCP the resources it needs to support our friends on Capitol Hill. ACCP-PAC is the only political action committee dedicated to electing Members of Congress who are committed to advancing our Medicare Initiative to include comprehensive medication management (CMM) as a covered benefit. Contributions from ACCP-PAC to members of Congress will raise our profile on Capitol Hill, improve our standing among key lawmakers, and provide unique opportunities to discuss CMM with potential Congressional champions. The PAC also helps ensure that elected officials who support our initiative remain in office to advance CMM in the future.

All ACCP members are asked to make a donation of at least $25 to ACCP-PAC. CLICK HERE to support your PAC today!