American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

New Edition of Ambulatory Care Pharmacist's Survival Guide Supports Full Range of Practice

The latest edition of the ACCP Ambulatory Care Pharmacist’s Survival Guide provides useful information for practicing ambulatory care pharmacists. Published under the direction of Lead Editor Gregory Castelli, Pharm.D., BCPS, BC-ADM, the fourth edition is a joint project between ACCP and the Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network.

This updated version supports pharmacists across a range of experience and settings. “Whether you are in a new practice or have been engaged in direct patient care for years, the fourth edition of the Ambulatory Care Pharmacist’s Survival Guide can be an important resource,” Castelli said. “The Survival Guide is applicable for those in a wide variety of care settings including primary care, specialty clinics, and geriatric care centers.”

The book covers ambulatory care basics, such as billing and reimbursement for clinical pharmacist services, as well as scholarship in clinical practice and practice management.

In addition, clinical services topics covered in the book include:

  • Cardiovascular/vascular
  • Controlled substance harm reduction
  • Endocrine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Medication therapy management
  • Preventive/public health
  • Psychiatry
  • Respiratory
  • Rheumatology
Education topics covered include:
  • Pharmacy students
  • Pharmacy and medical residents
  • Multi-learner activities

The book is available in print and eBook format in the ACCP Bookstore: