American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Take Advantage of Early Registration Rates for the 2020 ACCP Spring Forum

Early registration pricing is now available for the 2020 ACCP Spring Forum, April 25–26, at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in St. Louis, Missouri. More information is available at

Take advantage of the opportunity to attend one of the many offerings at the 2020 ACCP Spring Forum. Attendees can participate in 1) one of ACCP’s nationally recognized and proven preparatory review and recertification courses in Pharmacotherapy or Critical Care Pharmacy; 2) ACCP’s Academy programming, highlighting best practices in Leadership and Management, Research and Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning; 3) the Clinical Practice Forum, featuring workshops designed to allow participants to acquire tools they can take back and implement in their practices; or 4) ACCP’s popular student program Emerge from the Crowd. Register before March 27 to receive the discounted registration rate.

Preparatory Review and Recertification Courses

Register now for an ACCP 2020 preparatory review and recertification course in Critical Care Pharmacy or Pharmacotherapy. Each course is designed for pharmacy professionals who plan to take the specialty certification examinations administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS), for specialists seeking recertification through continuing education, and for those seeking a self-paced refresher on the pharmacotherapeutic management of specialty-specific conditions and contemporary clinical practice topics. For more information, or to register for one of these courses, please click here.

ACCP Academy Programming

Also available are professional development sessions delivered by ACCP Academy faculty. The three ACCP Academy programs – Leadership and Management, Research and Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning – will deliver both required modules and electives in 2020, according to preestablished course schedules.

Clinical Practice Forum

The Clinical Practice Forum focuses on developing and enhancing the ability to successfully deliver comprehensive medication management (CMM) in a variety of practice settings. The 2020 program will include both plenary sessions and interactive, hands-on workshops presented and facilitated by experts in the field. Participants will learn to apply new knowledge in real time and leave with action plans for implementing, assessing, and scaling CMM.

Emerge from the Crowd

This 1-day workshop on April 25, 2020, has been designed for first-, second-, and third-year pharmacy students who plan to pursue postgraduate residency training. Participants will gain insight into how to navigate the residency application process, write an effective letter of intent, create a professional curriculum vitae, and interview successfully.

Scientific Poster Presentations and Biostatistics Premeeting Workshop

In addition to the preparatory review and recertification courses, ACCP Academy sessions, Clinical Practice Forum, and Emerge from the Crowd, the 2020 Spring Forum will feature scientific poster presentations and the Fundamentals of Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design Premeeting Workshop. The poster presentations are open to any meeting registrant. The biostatistics premeeting workshop, to be held Friday, April 24, is designed to provide key preparation for the biostatistics sections of the BPS examinations and will also offer 5.0 hours of recertification credit in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy, Critical Care Pharmacy, Pediatric Pharmacy, or Pharmacotherapy.

Location and Meeting Registration

The 2020 ACCP Spring Forum will be held at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in St. Louis, Missouri, in the Academic Research Building and the Recreation and Student Center. St. Louis College of Pharmacy sits adjacent to Forest Park. At 1371 acres, Forest Park is one of the largest urban parks in the country and is home to the Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis Science Center, Saint Louis Zoo, and more. The Central West End MetroLink Station is one block from Forest Park and on the St. Louis College of Pharmacy campus. For hotel and travel information, visit

Early registration rates expire March 27. Register online now to take advantage of these savings.