American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Register Now for ACCP Academy Programming at the 2020 Spring Forum in St. Louis!

The next set of core modules for all tracks of the ACCP Academy will be offered at the upcoming 2020 ACCP Spring Forum, April 25–26, 2020, at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in St. Louis, Missouri. All enrollees who have completed the core modules and elective courses given at one of the ACCP Annual Meetings will be able to fulfill the remaining live programming requirements with the Spring Forum offerings. Those interested in enrolling in the Academy are welcome to attend the spring programming as well.

The following sessions will be offered at the 2020 ACCP Spring Forum:

Leadership and Management
• Interpersonal Leadership Development (Module 2) April 25
• Leadership and Financial Management in the Workplace (Elective) April 25
• Stress, Life Balance, and Measuring Success in Your Life (Elective) April 25
• Attributes of a Leader (Module 3) April 26
• The Core Practices of Leaders (Elective) April 26

Research and Scholarship
• Statistical Issues (Module 2) April 25
• Extending Your Research Tool Kit (Module 3) April 25
• Regulatory/Ethical Issues (Module 4) April 26
• Building Effective Research Teams (Elective) April 26

Teaching and Learning
• Implementing Teaching and Learning Strategies (Module 2) April 25
• Lifelong Learning (Elective) April 27
• Changing the Way We Look at Lectures (Elective) April 27
• Assessing Student Learning (Module 3) April 26
• Professional Development in Teaching and Learning (Module 4) April 26

For complete details and to register, visit Register by March 27, 2020, to take advantage of the early-bird rates. If you are interested in enrolling in the Academy or have questions, please contact Jessie Culley at [email protected].