American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Investigator Development LOIs Due

ACCP Foundation

Are you planning to apply to the ACCP Foundation Mentored Research Investigator Training (MeRIT) or Focused Investigator Training (FIT) program? Letters of intent for either program are due February 28, and FIT and MeRIT program applications will close March 31, 2021. This year’s MeRIT and FIT programs will be held June 21–25, 2021, on the campus of the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in Lexington, Kentucky.

The MeRIT Program seeks candidates who are pharmacy faculty or practitioners who would like assistance with developing the abilities necessary to conduct investigator-initiated research. The FIT Program’s ideal applicants are research-focused pharmacists who are ready to undergo intensive research proposal development work in preparation for a submission/resubmission to the National Institutes of Health or other major funding source.

For more information about the FIT and MeRIT programs, or to download an application form, visit the Foundation’s Investigator Development page at All inquiries about these programs, letters of intent, and completed applications should be e-mailed to Sheldon Holstad at [email protected].