American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

IDEA 2.0 Offers Free Educational Programming on Continuous Glucose Monitoring

ACCP is proud to continue its collaboration with partners across health care disciplines on Innovating Decisions and Empowering Action in Diabetes Management (IDEA) 2.0.

This interprofessional initiative, spearheaded by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, provides innovative programming intended to change how continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data are interpreted and used in diabetes care by health care professionals and patients with diabetes.

Content for the IDEA project was designed to improve understanding of CGM, report interpretations, and the use of this information to optimize therapeutic management leading to practice transformation and increased shared decision-making.

Pharmacists can earn up to 1.5 hours of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credit by completing three modules:

  • Module 1. Exploring the Evidence: Current Indications for the Use of CGM in Pediatric and Adult Patients
  • Module 2. CGM: Practical Approaches to Addressing Common Clinical Situations
  • Module 3. Challenges to CGM Adoption and Use

An additional 1.0 hour of CPE credit is available to pharmacists who complete 4 of the 10 available interactive cases:

  • Interactive Case 1. Nocturnal Hypoglycemia – Pediatric Patient
  • Interactive Case 2. Daytime Hypoglycemia – Pediatric Patient
  • Interactive Case 3. Hypoglycemia Unaware – Young Adult Patient
  • Interactive Case 4. Hypoglycemia Unaware – Middle Age Patient
  • Interactive Case 5. Post-Prandial Hyperglycemia – Elderly Patient
  • Interactive Case 6. Hypoglycemia All the Time – Pediatric Patient
  • Interactive Case 7. Roller Coaster Variability – Young Adult Patient
  • Interactive Case 8. No Obvious Pattern – Pediatric Patient
  • Interactive Case 9. No Obvious Pattern – Elderly Patient
  • Interactive Case 10. Tight Control in Pregnancy

This program is provided free of charge. Visit the ACCP website to learn more.