American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ACCP celebrates the diversity of its members and staff. We stand together in our commitment to creating and sustaining a culture of equality and inclusion. Strategic direction 1.5 of the 2020 ACCP strategic plan states that the College will employ practices that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to fully achieve its mission. This priority initiative includes the following objectives:

  • Fostering complex/difficult conversations about equity, respect, diversity, and inclusion
  • Providing education for members, leadership, and staff on harassment, discrimination, and unconscious bias
  • Developing a strategic DEI plan that includes steps to promote respect and address instances of bias or inappropriate behavior
  • Disseminating best – and unsuccessful – practices implemented through the strategic DEI plan

Over the past several months, the ACCP Board of Regents (BOR) has had ongoing complex and difficult conversations about equity, respect, diversity, and inclusion. In addition, the BOR has participated in professional development focused on DEI principles and has worked with ACCP staff to develop and implement the ACCP Code of Conduct and code of conduct attestation statement, engaged with a consultant with expertise in DEI, and drafted a strategic DEI plan. The plan includes many opportunities for member engagement and attention to the need for ongoing efforts parallel to and integrated with the College’s strategic plan. An early component includes a baseline assessment of inclusion and diversity within the ACCP membership that is designed to provide a better understanding of the member experience and identify existing barriers to inclusion. Results of this assessment will inform subsequent implementation components, which may include revisions to operational policies and procedures as well as the provision of relevant professional development opportunities for ACCP leadership, staff, and members. We anticipate administering the baseline assessment this summer.

All members and other stakeholders involved in the College’s programs and services are asked to review the ACCP Code of Conduct and complete the accompanying conduct attestation statement – both can be accessed here.