American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2021 Preparatory Review and Recertification Courses in Geriatric and Oncology Pharmacy Coming Soon

The 2021 American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) preparatory review courses in Geriatric Pharmacy and Oncology Pharmacy are available for presale now at Materials for each course will be released Wednesday, March 17.

Each course is designed to assist pharmacy practitioners who are preparing for the specialty certification examinations administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS). The course content for each preparatory review course provides a comprehensive, case-based review of the domains and knowledge areas encompassed by each specialty.

Each course has also been approved by BPS for recertification in its respective specialty. The recertification posttests for the Geriatric Pharmacy and Oncology Pharmacy courses will become available on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, to individuals who purchase the recertification package. The Geriatric Pharmacy course will offer up to 23.0 BCGP recertification credits. The Oncology Pharmacy course will offer up to 25.75 BCOP recertification credits. Learners wishing to earn recertification credit for a 2021 ACCP/ASHP preparatory review and recertification course must purchase access to one of the course formats available for recertification credit and successfully complete and submit the posttests by April 12, 2022. Each course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle.

To obtain complete information about the home study version of each course and to place an order, visit Questions about the ACCP/ASHP preparatory review courses may be directed to [email protected].