American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Member Speaks in Minority Health Panel Discussion Hosted by #ThisIsOurShot

#ThisIsOurShot (TIOS) is a national grassroots coalition of health care heroes and allies that aims to build vaccine trust for a COVID-free world and combat misinformation by elevating the voices of health care heroes as trusted messengers through stories, photos, and videos. ACCP partnered with TIOS earlier this year and is actively engaged as a TIOS ally organization. On April 26, TIOS hosted an online panel discussion for minority health month focused on COVID vaccines. The speakers focused on ways to build vaccine trust in underrepresented minority groups and identified considerations in increasing COVID immunization rates in communities of color.

Featured Speakers
• Kim Yu, M.D., FAAFP, #ThisIsOurShot team lead
• Christina Madison, Pharm.D., FCCP, Founder, The Public Health Pharmacist
• Ada Stewart, M.D., FAAFP, President, American Academy of Family Physicians
• Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, M.D., FAAFP, Co-Founder, LATIN-19
• Jack Chou, M.D., FAAFP, Vice Speaker, CMA House of Delegates

ACCP member Christina Madison, associate professor of pharmacy practice at Roseman University of Health Sciences and College of Pharmacy, presented on her work in facilitating the administration of over 6,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in her community since January 2021. Madison is the founder and CEO of The Public Health Pharmacist, PLLC, a public health consulting firm. She is currently the director of Roseman University of Health Sciences COVID-19 Vaccine Operations, Logistics, Distribution, and Administration as well as the point of contact for the State of Nevada for COVID vaccines.

ACCP appreciates Madison’s engaging and effective contribution to this important discussion on behalf of the College. The recording of this panel discussion can be accessed here. ACCP encourages its members to share their vaccine experiences and the reason they got vaccinated with the hashtag #ThisIsOurShot.