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ACCP Report

ACCP Foundation Releases New Strategic Plan

ACCP Foundation

On May 26, 2022, the ACCP Foundation Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the organization’s new Strategic Plan. The plan development process, initiated in the fall of 2021, began with a comprehensive environmental scan and analysis of organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The BOT reaffirmed the Foundation’s mission to improve human health by supporting research, scholarship, and practice and its vision to be recognized as the leading organization supporting the advancement of pharmacy research, scholarship, and practice.

The plan includes critical issues focused on supporting clinical pharmacist researchers, scholars, and practitioners; increasing the engagement of clinical practitioners, trainees, and students in research and scholarship; and establishing and maintaining long-term relevance. The BOT developed and refined the plan’s strategic directions and objectives in the spring of 2022, culminating in final plan approval in May.

The new plan extends important areas of focus from the prior plan and introduces many new strategic initiatives. The Foundation will continue to expand opportunities across the career continuum for clinical pharmacists to engage in research and scholarship, including facilitation of student pharmacist participation in research internships, development of innovative practice mini-sabbaticals or traineeships, and promotion of scholar development programs offered collaboratively by the Foundation and Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. Another ongoing emphasis will be on communicating the Foundation’s value to ACCP members.

Among the new initiatives, the plan includes a commitment to employing practices that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Specific objectives include professional development for Foundation leadership and incorporation of DEI principles into grant/award selection criteria and scholar development programs. Other new initiatives include supporting the development and dissemination of practice innovations and funding opportunities to support projects focused on medication optimization.

The plan will drive much of the Foundation’s agenda over the next 3–4 years. Review the complete plan here.