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ACCP Report

Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. Releases 2022 Strategic Plan

The Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. (PPI) Board of Directors (BOD) approved the organization’s 2022 Strategic Plan on May 9, 2022. PPI, the journal publishing arm of ACCP, renewed its commitment to the mission of improving human health through the dissemination of pharmacotherapeutic and clinical pharmacy scholarship. PPI’s previous strategic plan, approved in 2018, led the BOD, editorial boards, and editorial staff through the launch of a second successful journal, the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, and a record-high impact factor for Pharmacotherapy of 4.705.

The 2022 strategic planning process began in the fall of 2021 with a comprehensive environmental scan and analysis of organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This process resulted in three critical issues to help PPI achieve its vision to be the leader in worldwide dissemination of transformative pharmacotherapeutic and clinical pharmacy research and scholarship: (1) advance and disseminate pharmacotherapeutic and clinical pharmacy scholarship worldwide, (2) deliver value to its key stakeholders, and (3) ensure long-term relevance.

Among its new initiatives, the plan includes a commitment to employing practices that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to achieve its mission. Specific objectives include professional development for PPI leadership and incorporation of DEI principles into editorial and publishing policies and procedures.

The 2022 plan will drive PPI’s agenda over the next 3–4 years. Review the complete plan here.