American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Strategic Learning with the ACCP Academy

ACCP’s well-recognized faculty members have created a full complement of professional education programs to meet the professional development goals of their enrollees. The four professional development programs are as follows.

In each of these focused programs, you will explore experiential activities, case studies, and relevant challenges as a platform for delivering actionable concepts. ACCP Academy 2023–2024 programming offers flexible learning options. The Leadership and Management, Research and Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning Academies begin with in-person programs at the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting. Participants who prefer to complete these programs entirely virtually can attend the live virtual sessions that begin next year. The CMM Implementation Academy, though primarily delivered with didactic, home study modules, also includes live consultancy sessions. You will have opportunities to engage in real-time interaction with faculty and peers, enjoy rich discussions, and acquire strategies and tools that are immediately applicable to your professional pursuits.

Enroll before the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in November to get the most value out of this year’s programming. Find out more information about ACCP Academy programs and start your application by visiting