American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Comprehensive Medication Management Consultancy at the Annual Meeting

Don’t miss the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) Consultancy at the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas, on Monday, November 13, at 3:30 p.m. This unique and engaging session format has received rave reviews from attendees at prior meetings. Drs. Todd Sorensen and M. Shawn McFarland will engage participants in problem-solving conversations on real practice implementation challenges presented by session participants. This will be an “all-teach, all-learn” session during which the collective experience and creativity of the participants will be used to identify strategies to address the participant challenges shared during 15-minute case presentations. Whether you are a seasoned CMM provider or initiating a new service, this session is for you.

The structure will include several 15-minute practice implementation case challenge presentations. Registrants can submit a challenge/opportunity they are experiencing in their practice and volunteer to present this case during the Consultancy. We anticipate being able to accommodate up to eight case presentations during the session. For each case presented, the following structure will be used:

  • The presenter will describe their challenge (3–4 minutes)
  • Participants can ask clarifying questions (1–2 minutes)
  • The group will brainstorm ideas; presenter listens (5–7 minutes)
  • The presenter summarizes the ideas heard (1 minute)

A facilitator will manage the conversation and track time, but all attendees are invited to weigh in with ideas and potential solutions. This is a great opportunity to generate new perspectives and ideas that can help in your practice implementation or expansion efforts and to share your experiences and expertise with others. Challenges may include establishing practice consistency across a group of clinical pharmacists, gaining support from senior administrators, creating efficiency in clinical workflow, measuring and communicating the impact of CMM services, and winning over resistant prescribers. Any challenge is appropriate to share.

We hope you will attend this session and consider submitting a practice challenge to be presented and discussed as part of the session. If you would like to participate as a presenter, please complete a case submission by Tuesday, October 31. Submissions are easy – all you need is a brief (25 words or less) description of the practice challenge you are facing. You will be notified by Tuesday, November 7, if your case has been selected for inclusion. We look forward to seeing you in Dallas!