American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

“Incorporating Inclusive Practices into Postgraduate Recruitment” – Now Available in the ACCP DEIA Toolkit

This session, which was also delivered live at the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in Dallas, provides a compelling case for the need for focused efforts to diversify the clinical pharmacy pipeline, a summary of student perspectives on clinical pharmacy career paths and recruitment processes, and actionable steps for incorporating inclusive practices into postgraduate program recruitment. Clinical pharmacists, preceptors, and faculty engaged in postgraduate recruitment currently have access to limited guidance to inform inclusive practices during the recruitment process. Available data indicate a mismatch between the proportion of graduates from pharmacy school and the proportion of pharmacy residents who identify as Black or Hispanic/Latino. As programs enter the 2024 recruitment season, this important resource provides the information necessary to evaluate existing policies and practices for bias and implement strategies to mitigate bias. Delivered by Drs. Jacinda Abdul-Mutakabbir, Tyler Marie Kiles, and Sally Arif – published experts in the field – and moderated by Dr. Frank North – National Pharmaceutical Association president – this session is sure to provide the information and inspiration needed to influence your organization’s recruitment process to address barriers to inclusion. Please share this resource with your colleagues – it is available to ACCP members and nonmembers free of charge.

Access the session here and the DEIA toolkit here.