American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP’s Directory of Residencies, Fellowships, and Graduate Programs

ACCP Directory of Residencies, Fellowships, and Graduate Programs

The ACCP Directory of Residencies, Fellowships, and Graduate Programs is an indispensable resource for students and residents seeking entry to training programs. The 2024 directory describes over 1500 postgraduate clinical pharmacy training programs offered by both ACCP members and nonmembers and is available in an online, dynamic, searchable format and in print. This service is provided by the College at no cost to programs or candidates.

Principal preceptors or directors of residencies, fellowships, or clinical scientist graduate degree programs (M.S., Ph.D.) are encouraged to list or update their programs in this directory to ensure accurate and comprehensive program information that is searchable by candidates. The platform allows the inclusion of customizable program information, including links to online information and videos. Candidates can search the directory using criteria such as program type, specialty, setting, and geographic region.

Students and current postgraduate trainees are encouraged to access and use the directory to identify and contact programs of interest.

Access the online directory here. A limited number of print copies are available and can be obtained on a first-come, first-served basis by contacting Linda McCorkill at [email protected].