American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ACCP: Progress and Patience

ACCP remains steadfast in its commitment to create and sustain a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Embracing diversity and inclusion to fully achieve its mission is an ACCP core value, and a strategic direction in the 2020 ACCP Strategic Plan underscores the prioritization of these initiatives.

In December 2021, the ACCP Strategic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan was released. Informed by ACCP’s DEI consulting firm, Ameli Global Partnerships; the ACCP membership baseline DEI assessment; and over 18 months of intensive professional development in DEI, the dynamic plan outlines initial priorities, goals, and objectives – phase I action plans will go through 2022, and phase II action plans will be developed thereafter. DEI Plan Implementation Timeline Through the focused efforts of the ACCP Board of Regents; the 2022 Task Force on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; the 2022 Member Relations Committee; and the ACCP staff, significant progress has been made in achieving the phase I goals set forth in the plan. Given guidance from industry standards and the results of the ACCP baseline DEI member assessment, inclusion is the main focus of the phase I action plans. Creating an organizational environment where members feel welcome and have confidence in how to engage and succeed is paramount. The first three outcomes of the DEI plan contain 19 objectives focused on enhancing inclusion. To date, 18 of these objectives have been achieved, and work toward the 19th is under way. The two remaining outcomes of the plan contain nine objectives focused on enhancing diversity. Initial work has formed the foundation for increased representation across service and leadership roles within ACCP.

DEI Plan Outcomes

It is important to recognize and celebrate ACCP’s progress as the College remains engaged in its long-term commitment to this work. These early achievements focused on inclusion are an essential first step but may not be as apparent as the College’s longer-term goals on increasing diversity in leadership. It is a delicate balance of urgency and patience as ACCP approaches this work with the excellence it is known for. ACCP is taking a systematic, evidence-based approach to DEI plan development and implementation. Its early successes in achieving inclusion-focused objectives combined with the data derived from the baseline DEI assessment support optimism that the College will be successful in enhancing diversity and representation across the organization in time.

It is essential for every member of ACCP to do their part in supporting a culture of inclusion and enhancing the diversity of leadership. Most members can recall who invited them to join and become engaged with ACCP – continuing to invite new members to experience and feel welcome at ACCP events is a vital part of the College’s cultural foundation. ACCP’s elected leadership – at the PRN, Board of Regents, and Foundation Board of Trustees levels – begins with a nomination. ACCP members are called to nominate qualified individuals from underrepresented groups so that we all may benefit from enhanced representation across the College’s leadership.

To ensure responsiveness and sustainability, ACCP will continue to employ ongoing monitoring and revision of the DEI plan. A formal reassessment is scheduled for late 2022, with phase II action plans to follow. Ongoing DEI efforts and results of informal and formal plan assessments will be routinely communicated to ACCP members.

Access the ACCP Strategic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan here.