American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Call for Member Comment and Input on ACCP Direction

As detailed in the College’s new strategic plan (see, ACCP has initiated a continuous strategic planning process. To help the ACCP Board of Regents track changes in the professional environment as they develop, gather ongoing member input on the College’s direction, and provide appropriate organizational response to this input, ACCP members are invited to log-in to our electronic feedback site ( After logging-in to the site, members can provide comment on (1) current components of the ACCP strategic plan, (2) new issues that ACCP leadership should consider now, and (3) emerging topics that may merit the College leadership’s thought and analysis in the future.

The Board of Regents reviews this input at its quarterly meetings and identifies issues that require further staff analysis, board discussion, and/or selection as forthcoming committee or task force initiatives. In addition to ACCP’s existing methods of gaining member input (e.g., the annual member survey requesting priority areas for future consideration, Town Hall Meetings, other calls for member comment on specific issues), it is hoped that this new process will increase opportunities for all members to provide input and feedback regarding the College’s direction. If you’ve not already done so, please read the ACCP Strategic Plan and visit the College’s feedback site whenever you wish to submit comments on the College’s direction.